Introduction to APIs (Application programming interface)

Introduction to APIs (Application programming interface)

Let's say I want to get outfit ideas for my next picnic, I'll go to the Pinterest website and type "Pink picnic gowns" in the search bar. In response I'll receive different pictures of pink outfits.

Now, that's an API working behind the scenes to enable the conversation between Pinterest and me.

This is a practical example of how an API works, one application acts as a client and the other acts as a server. A client asks for some pictures and the server sends the pictures to the client. To use an API, one application has to send a request to another application in order to use their functionalities.

In this article we will introduce the concept of APIs, how it works, its benefits, the different types of APIs, API documentations, its features, tools and who creates them.

What is an API

An API is a software interface that allows two different software applications to interact with each other. With an API, applications can exchange data in a reliable way.

In simpler terms, an API serves as an intermediary between different software applications, enabling them to exchange data and access eachothers functionalities.

It provides a defined set of rules and protocols on how a software should interact with another software.



How does an API work

Using the example that was used at the beginning of this article, we'll see a simplified breakdown of how an API works


A client application begins communication with the API by sending a request. In the example we sent a request which was "pink picnic gowns"

Every request sent to an API usually includes specific information like the desired action or operation required.

API Processing

Immediately the API receives the request, it processes the received data.

Here the API processes the search query "pink picnic gowns".

This involves validating the request, checking permissions and interpreting the requested action in the context of the API's functionality.

Handling the Request

The API takes the requested action based on the provided information.

The API accesses it's database to retrieve every information relating to "pink picnic gowns".

Data Preparation

The API prepares the response by gathering the necessary data or generating the required output.

Here, it gathers all the data from its database that relates to the search query "pink picnic gowns".

This stage involves querying databases and processing data.


The API sends a response back to the client application.

The response here is the results of the search query; at this point it displays different photos of pink picnic gowns.

The response usually includes the requested data or the result of the requested operation. It also includes a status code that indicates whether the request was successful or if any errors were encountered.

Client Application Processing

The client application receives the API response and processes it according to its requirements.

As the clients we received some images of "pink picnic gowns" as a result of the search query.

This stage involves displaying the data to the user, performing further operations based on the received information, or making subsequent API requests.

Examples of APIs

Some examples of APIs which are commonly used in various industries and applications are;

  • Google Maps API

  • Twitter API

  • Facebook Graph API

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) API

  • GitHub API

  • Twilio API

  • Spotify API


  • Stripe API

  • OpenWeatherMap API

Types of APIs

In terms of accessibility APIs can be private, partner, and public.

Private APIs

This is an API that is only accessible to the people working with it. The private strategy allows a company to have full control of the API usage.

Partner APIs

This type of API is only accessible to partners or businesses who have signed an agreement. Example; two companies who are building software together.

Public APIs

These APIs are made available to the general public. Any developer can edit and integrate the API.

Public APIs are divided into;

Open public APIs:

Here all features are made available to the public without any restrictions or conditions.

Commercial API

Here users pay a stipulated amount for subscription fees. They use APIs on a pay-as-you-go basis.

In terms of use cases we have standard API and web API.

Standard API:

Standard API is an Application Programming Interface that follows a specific industry or technology standard. It defines a set of rules, protocols, and specifications that dictate how different software components or systems should interact and communicate. Standard APIs help ensure compatibility and consistency between different systems.

Examples of standard APIs include:

  • POSIX API (Portable Operating System Interface)

  • Java API

  • W3C APIs

Web ApI (web service)

A web API, also known as a web service, is an API which is designed for communication and data exchange over the internet. Web APIs expose functionalities and data from a web server to client applications, allowing them to interact with the server and leverage its capabilities.

Web APIs are usually exposed through URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) and adhere to the principles of Representational State Transfer (REST) or other web service architectures. They use HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) as the major communication protocol.

Benefits of using an API

By using Api's, applications can gain immediate access to functionalities which are already developed by another application. This way, you can easily integrate existing functions from another application into your own application thereby offering more functionalities to your customers.

APIs offer numerous benefits for software development, integration, and business processes some of the benefits of using APIs are;


APIs allow developers to create modular code by inputting complex functionalities into reusable components. This helps in the organization of codes, it simplifies maintenance and enables faster development cycles.

Developers can make use of already existing APIs which saves time and effort by incorporating already built functionalities rather than developing it from scratch.

Scalability and Flexibility:

The concept of API enables scalability and flexibility by allowing systems to grow and adapt to changing requirements. This allows for easier modification, extension, and replacement of features without impacting the overall system.

Multiple collaborations:

APIs facilitate multiple collaborations by allowing various softwares to communicate and exchange data efficiently. It enables data synchronization and collaborative workflows.

Expansion of ecosystems:

APIs open doors to external developers, partners, and third-party integrations, establishing a wider innovation of the ecosystem. By exposing APIs, businesses can leverage external talent, encourage the creation of complementary applications and expand their market reach. This stimulates creativity and drives business growth.

Access to Valuable Data:

The major benefit of using an API is the ability to access and make use of data from thousands of independent sources. Many APIs provide access to valuable data sources, such as social media platforms, weather services, or financial data providers.

This means organizations of all sizes can access these functionalities without developing their own application.

Improved User Experience:

APIs empower developers to create rich and interactive applications by integrating external services, features, or content. This allows for the creation of compelling user experiences, personalization, and customization options that can differentiate an application from competitors

API Documentation

API Documentation is a technical document that helps developers and users to understand its functionalities. It contains guidelines and instructions on how to use and integrate an API, how to make use of its functionalities and its security constraints.

An API document serves as a reference manual for developers and users. API documentation is usually written by a technical writer.

Note: End users may not need API documentation. End users guide is provided for them, where the technical details and information would be reduced.

Features of an API documentation

An API documentation typically contains the following elements;

API Introduction:

It contains an overview of the API, its purpose, key features and functions.

Getting Started:

This section contains information about the registration and authentication process, how to access the API and the process of setting it up.

Endpoints and Methods:

This section explains how to interact with the and perform various operations. It describes the API's endpoints (URLs) and the HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) supported by each endpoint.

Request and Response Formats:

This section provides clear instructions on how to compose valid requests and interpret responses. It helps developers know what responses to expect and how to interpret them.

Error Handling:

Information on error codes, error messages, and error handling procedures that developers may encounter when working with the API and status codes like; 200 OK, 201 CREATED, 404 NOT FOUND, 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR etc.

Code Examples:

Code examples show practical code samples and use cases. It assists developers in understanding how to integrate the API into their applications.

SDKs and Libraries:

Documentation highlights available SDKs (Software Development Kits), client libraries, and tools that developers can use to simplify API integration. This section provides guidance on using these resources effectively.

Rate Limiting and Usage Policies:

A documentation explains any limits or restrictions imposed on API usage, such as rate limits, maximum request sizes, or data quotas. This helps developers stay within the defined usage boundaries

Tools for API documentation

If developers and users do not understand how to work with an API, then it will remain unusable. That is why it is important to have a well written and structured document.

The choice of tool depends on the specific needs, workflow and preferences of the developer. It is essential to select a tool that aligns with your requirements.

Some of the tools for effective API documentation are;

Who creates an API and API documentation

API developers create APIs while technical writers document the API.

It takes a developer who created an API to explain how it works. Usually, technical writers are not the developers but they are part of the team who creates the API.


In conclusion, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) play a major role in modern software development, enabling seamless communication, integration, and resource sharing between applications and systems. This introduction to APIs has pro

vided a glimpse into their benefits and significance in the technology landscape.

As the technology landscape continues to evolve, APIs will remain integral to the development of advanced and scalable applications.